Politics and what it holds for the future of Art Education


Written in this post by Huffingtonpost by Lucas Kavner, politics and art do go hand in hand. In this case, who is in charge can affect if the Arts will be taught to students in schools all over the United States. On one hand, Romney advocates for a budget plan that would, “eliminate funding for the NEA, PBS, and NPR”, which effectively, will demote funding for Art programs in general. On the other hand, Obama seeks to increase funding for the Arts by more then 5%, thus not only benefiting the maintenance of facilities for the Arts such as Museums  but as well as continuing Art education in schools.

Now, why should we be concerned about how this will Art education?

At least to me, if budgets are cut, then that means there will be less funding to teach students the Arts. Now most would see cutting Art funding will be beneficial to education in favor of other programs, but in reality, that won’t be the case for student in the future.

In Cuts to Arts Education Would Shortchange Our Children by Robin Bronk, CEO of The Creative Coalition, she states that the cuts to Art Education would not only undermine students education in the Arts, but student will also be “devoid of the arts curriculum that has long been a core part of a well-rounded, complete public education”. According to her, art education is a given right for students in order to have  a full and rounded education that the school systems should offer.

In a previous post, I mentioned an EDUCATIONnext article that goes into more depth about why we should advocate the arts in the classroom. In more ways then one, Art is a effective way to teach student to not only express one’s self, but also to help students learn to communicate above just conventional means. It also advocates to them how to function in the world they live in while also helping them bridge their differences in race, culture, and life styles. If Art funding is taken away, then these teaching methods are taking away, thus could harm students as there is nothing to help teach them how to express themselves in the future above just learning math and science.

What will happen to the education of the Arts after the presidential elections? We won’t know for sure till who is voted in to office, but hopefully whether or not who is going to continue to lead our country,  Art Education may still benefit in some way in this ever changing system.

3 responses »

  1. Very interesting piece you put out here along with the insightful articles you provided. The EDUCATIONnext article was very informative of what will happen if Art Education was to take in budget cuts. My favorite line from the first article you provided was, “Our economy is only as strong as the education we provide the next generation.” It’s very true; we need art as much as any other subject to not only sustain a diverse economy, but keep children’s minds open about the many opportunities they can pursue in their futures. I’d only suggest looking over any grammatical errors before publishing; I only spotted a few. Great article though! It was definitely an eye-opener.

    • Thank you so much for your comment and reading my post. As you can probably tell, this is my first time maintaining a blog like this or at least blogging in general, so my typing style and ability to articulate my thoughts into posts are a little rough. Needless to say, I’m nervous haha.
      Also, thank you for your critique as well. I’ll do my best to be more careful about grammar mistakes and typos.

  2. What an amazing and informative post. Your writing is succinct and well thought out, as is your research. I enjoy your writing and your subject matter greatly. I could not agree more that art education is crucial to student development. It is very scary that funding for art and art education is in jeopardy.

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